
Chongqing KINGDONN Intellectual Property Services Co., Ltd

Country: China
City: Chongqing
Tel: +86-023-63722611
Fax: +86-023-63722611
Email: ip_kingdonn@126.com
Address: 2nd Floor, Zhongxing Building Phase 2 Area B, No. 3 Starlight Five Road, New North Zone
Website: www.kingdonn.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Others
Key Areas: Trademark , Patent , Copyright , Law practice
Contact Person: Jessica Zhao
Personal Email: ip_kingdonn@126.com
Language: Chinese,English

Firm Profile

Our company have great experience and good reputation in intellectual property consulting. Founded in 2007, it is now the preferred customer agency. Having a good number of professionals offering a good and qualified services.our company is a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) and China Trademark Association, its also one of the pillars of Chongqing Trademark association with Mr. Wang Qiang as it Chairman. Our company offers a lot of services such as :  Domestic and international trademarks,  Patents,  Copyright,  Domain name disputes,  Anti-counterfeiting,  Intellectual property litigation,  Franchise experience  Interpretation

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