
Estudio Carolina Ore Gomez y Asociados

Country: Peru
City: Lima
Tel: +51979330571
Fax: +5116819076
Email: atrujillo@estudiocarolinaoregomez.com
Address: Av. Gregorio Escobedo 426, Int. 604, Jesus Maria - Lima 11
Website: estudiocarolinaoregomez.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Contact Person: Alexander Trujillo
Personal Email: atrujillo@estudiocarolinaoregomez.com
Language: English,Spanish

Firm Profile

Carolina Oré Gómez & Asociados firm guarantees the highest levels of services, thorough the correct and efficient way to render the services on the procedures and suitable management of the client's needs. Our team has multi-disciplinary professionals which goals the innovation and the use of the technology on the building of solid and cutting-edge companies. Our services are distinguished from the rest and we aims to be the best allies for the companies which want to succeed in their negotiations, market issues, Intellectual Property, Competition Law and Consumer Protection.

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