

Country: Vietnam
City: Hanoi
Tel: (+84-24) 3 7373051
Fax: (+84-24) 3 7373056
Email: info@lawfirmelite.com
Address: 255 Hoang Van Thai Str., Thanh Xuan Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam
Website: www.lawfirmelite.com/
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Others
Key Areas: Patent, Trademark, Industrial Design Registration in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar
Contact Person: Mr. Nguyen Tran Tuyen
Personal Email: tuyen@lawfirmelite.com
Language: English,Vietnamese

Firm Profile

We, ELITE LAW FIRM, are a Law Firm and IP Agent providing professional legal and IP services in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. Since the establishment in 2013, ELITE LAW FIRM is very proud to represent as the IP Agent for various clients whom are prestige and multinational corporations in Vietnam, such as LG CORP; LG Electronics Inc.; LG HOUSEHOLD & HEALTH CARE LTD.; THEFACESHOP CO. LTD.; The Wonderful Company LLC (formerly known as Roll Global);ACCOR HOTELS; M&K Holdings Inc.; EM Research Organization; Dong-A Pencil Co. Ltd; NETMARBLE GAMES Corporation; SmileGate Entertainment, Inc.; Romanson Co., Ltd, and others... Also, ELITE LAW FIRM is within Top 10 IP Agents filing the most design applications in Vietnam in 2015 and 2016. More specially, the rate of filed applications that have been granted registration of our firm is about 90-95%. Bringing success, good results and effective solutions to client is our Firm’s purpose.

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