
Ashoka Law Associates

Country: India
City: Delhi
Tel: 919711344971
Fax: 0
Email: ip@ashokalaw.com
Address: Ashoka House, 8 Central Lane, Bengali Market, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001, INDIA.
Website: www.ashokalaw.com
Practice Area: Patent,Trademark,Copyright,Domain name,Anti-Unfair Competition
Key Areas: Intellectual Property Prosecution and Litigation
Contact Person: Anshul Goel
Personal Email: anshulgoel@ashokalaw.com

Firm Profile

Founded in 1976, Ashoka Group started as an end-to-end IP Boutique firm specialising in Intellectual Property Laws. USP: QUICK RESPONSE TIMES: We value your time as much as ours and give great importance to giving timely solutions and advice. IN-HOUSE DATABASE: We use our in-house developed detailed and regularly updated data resources (TM, Design, Patent) in order to provide cost effective solutions. OUT OF THE BOX AND INNOVATIVE THINKING: We combine the experience of IP Law stalwarts having more than 40 years of experience as well as the exuberance and energy of innovative intellectual engineers from IITs.

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