
Miranda Abogados Lima Norte

Country: Peru
City: Lima
Tel: +51 997917798
Fax: +51 997917798
Email: miranda-abogados@outlook.com
Address: Lima, Perú
Website: mirandaabogados.wixsite.com/info
Practice Area: Patent,Copyright,Domain name,Others,Antitrust
Contact Person: Dr. Alberto Miranda
Language: English,Spanish

Firm Profile

We are a team of Lawyers graduated from the prestigious San Martin de Porres University and Honorary Members of the Illustrious Law Association of Lima. Fairness with a great passion for the science of law with 10 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE AND COMMITMENT. DR. ALBERTO MIRANDA (Director) Honorary Member of the Lima Law Association Former Public REGISTRATION Lawyer (SUNARP) Extrajudicial Conciliator Specialist in CIVIL, REGISTRATION and NOTARIAL Law DR. EVELIN MIRANDA Honorary Member of the Lima Law Association Extrajudicial Conciliator in Family Matters Master in Civil Law Specialist in Civil and Family Law BUSINESS CONSULTANT, ENRIQUE MIRANDA Project Manager Ex-Commercial Manager at Empac S.A. Former Marketing Director at Développement International Desjardins (DID) Contract Negotiation Specialist

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