IPR2 3rd Annual Work Plan: More activities, more results


IPR2' Annual Work Plan for the third year of implementation has been endorsed by the EU Delegation and China's Ministry of Commerce. This work plan provides the framework activities for April 2010 to March 2011 and follows close consultation and agreement with the numerous ministries and authorities responsible for IP protection and enforcement in China. More than 30 areas of activity have been identified for the coming year with exchanges between officials, experts, and industry, covering the revision of China's IP laws, in particular the Civil Procedure Law, the Copyright Law and Trademark Law and protection of trade secrets; strengthening the administrative and enforcement capacity of local Chinese IP offices and enforcement assistance centres; practical enforcement of copyrights on-line, raising awareness of China and Europe's IP systems and more. View Press Release38.68 KB. View 3rd Annual Work Plan Highlights 50.68 KB.

The work plans provide the strategic and operational framework for the Project's implementation and aim to address both the EU and China's strategic priorities and achieve practical and measurable results; at the same time aiming to be sufficiently flexible to reflect developments in the field of IP.

The IPR2 Project Steering Committee (PSC) meets annually to review each work plan for the coming year. The PSC is chaired by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and is composed of the, EU Delegation to China and the Project Beneficiaries - representatives of the Chinese ministries and authorities working on IP protection and enforcement.
                                                                                                            Source: ipr2.org