Liuhe Pagoda Nearly Sold as a Trademark


Liuhe Pagoda, one of the Chinese famous scenic spots, was nearly auctioned off as a trademark. Zhao Xiaokai, general manager of the auction of famous trademarks in Beijing confirmed on 20th that the auction is postponed due to the disagreements raised by Liuhe Pagoda Scenic Spot.

  Built in Northern Song Dynasty, Liuhe Pagoda is one of the famous scenic spots in Hangzhou listed as cultural relics of the national level. Strangely enough, the holder of the trademark Liuhe Pagada is is Mr. Miao , a Hangzhou Citizen who intended to make millions through this auction Officials concerned from Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Spot Administration Committee hope that departments concerned will restrict registration of this type and provide them with relevant information when reviewing registration of this type of trademarks. The question whether it is legal to allow registration and transfer of Liuhe Pagoda by private individuals has given rise to huge controversies, which is also the reason why the auction of this trademark is cancelled.

                                                                     By IP Channel of People's Daily Online