US Patent Reform Has Global Implications


Documentation from all nations would be valid for consideration in disputes.

The most sweeping changes to United States patent law in nearly 60 years are closer to reality after the Senate overwhelmingly passed a reform bill in early March.

The Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives has since approved its own patent reform bill, which largely tracks the version adopted by the Senate.

Although the Congress has been debating different aspects of patent reform legislation for some time, there have been few significant changes in the law over the past six decades.

With a current backlog of more than 700,000 patent applications and the rapid rate of innovation in technology, many believe that an overhaul of the patent system is long overdue.

The proposed changes to the patent system, including procedures before the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), will inevitably impact how Chinese companies operating in the US protect their interests.

(Source:China Daily)