Lotus Cars to recapture trademark Lotus


Lotus Cars plans to use the "Lotus" brand this month. It was reported that Lotus Cars had raised an objection to Guangdong Kingtec Electric Co., Ltd. which registered the Lotus trademark earlier than the former. It is clear that Lotus Cars is trying to recapture the Lotus trademark.

Reportedly, why Lotus Cars banned the Lotus brand is not because that Yong Lotus trademark gets registered but that Guangdong Kingtec Electric Co., Ltd. has registered the Lotus trademark as early as in 1984.

Group Lotus added the expression of "ENGINEERD BY" to “LOTUS” for re-registration. Though it successfully entered the public period, Guangdong Kingtec Electric Co., Ltd. complained that Group Lotus infringed its prior right. The issue is still under dispute.

(Source:IPR in China)