【2015 INTA提前看】哪些活动不可错过?




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不可错过之一:2015 INTA欢庆宴会
2015 INTA Gala

时间:SATURDAY, MAY 2 7:00 pm-11:00 pm
着装:Formal (Black Tie Optional) or National Dress
地点:San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina-Marina Ballroom

Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address

时间:SUNDAY, MAY 3    4:00 pm-5:15 pm
地点:SDCC Ballroom 20
内容:Hear from INTA's CEO and 2015 President as they share their vision for the Association in 2015 and discuss INTA's impact on the IP industry. The 2015 Annual Meeting Co-Chairs will also introduce you to this year's program and welcome the Keynote speaker.
INTA CEO's Address
Etienne Sanz de Acedo, International Trademark Association (United States)
2015 INTA President's Address
J. Scott Evans, Adobe Systems Incorporated (United States)
2015 Annual Meeting Project Team Co-Chairs
Joshua J. Burke, General Mills, Inc. (United States)
Mario Soerensen Garcia, Soerensen Garcia Advogados Associados (Brazil)
Keynote Speaker
Walter E. Robb, Co-CEO of Fortune 500 Company Whole Foods Market

Welcome Reception

时间:SUNDAY, MAY 3 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
地点:SDCC Sails Pavilion
内容:Join us at this great networking opportunity as we welcome all registrants to the 137th Annual Meeting. Take the time to meet up with old friends and colleagues, meet new acquaintances and work the room.

China Reception (By invitation only)

时间:MONDAY, MAY 4 6:00 pm-7:00 pm
地点:SDCC Room 7B
内容:Network with Chinese colleagues and share experiences of doing business in China. If you speak Chinese, come enjoy the opportunity to chat with the INTA staff and make new connections. This is the must-attend reception for those in the INTA community who want to be plugged into our extensive China network

Grand Finale: Gaslamp Quarter Block Party

时间:WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 6:00 pm-10:00 pm
地点:Gaslamp Quarter,Fifth Avenue, right across from the SDCC
内容:The Gaslamp Quarter Block Party will be held on Fifth Avenue, right across from the SDCC, where guests will enjoy the freedom of moving from restaurant to restaurant, experiencing an array of cuisines, entertainment and networking opportunities exclusive to INTA. Registrants will have access to all the unique storefronts and restaurants on the block and can take in the traditional gas lamps, scenery and historic architecture of the neighborhood while enjoying the final night of the Annual Meeting in San Diego.


1. COMMITTEE MEETINGS China Global Advisory Council

时间:SUNDAY, MAY 3    10:00 am-11:00 am
地点:SDCC Room 4

2. RM20 Regional Update: China, Japan and Korea-Revisions to Trademark Laws (Intermediate to Advanced Level)

时间:MONDAY, MAY 4    11:45 am-1:00 pm
地点:SDCC Room 6C
George Chan, Simmons & Simmons (China)
Alex H. Cho, Kim & Chang (South Korea)
Scott Palmer, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP (China)
Nagomi Tsuchida, Hitachi, Ltd. (Japan)

3. COMMITTEE MEETINGS Anticounterfeiting Committee China Subcommittee

时间:MONDAY, MAY 4    3:30 pm-5:30 pm
地点:SDCC Room 22

4. COMMITTEE MEETINGS China Bulletin Committee

时间:TUESDAY, MAY 5    3:30 pm-5:30 pm
地点:SDCC Room 29D

5. CONCURRENT SESSIONS CW20 Are "Not So Well-Known" Trademarks Protectable in China?

时间:WEDNESDAY, MAY 6    11:45 am-1:00 pm
Shirley Kwok, Ribeiro Hui (Hong Kong, SAR)
Minnie Alexander, Campbell Soup Company (United States)
Karen Law, Alibaba Group (Hong Kong SAR, China)
Emmanuelle Prono, Techtronic Industries Co., Ltd (Hong Kong SAR, China)
Judge Wang Yanfang, SPC IP Tribunal (China)


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